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I really enjoyed this! Both routes were great; the voice acting for both leads was top notch. I also liked how the choices directed the game...? Like the different results seemed pretty subtle at face value – I was pretty fooled by my first playthrough because I thought I got everything right – but I loved the way they led to their respective endings; it all seemed very logical. 

The endings were all fantastic by the way. I almost can't see anything bad about Amaris' "bad" end lol 😼


Amaris was so charming! Right from the get go! I love the game hehe, time for me to go looking at streaming sites at 3am


I'm so glad you enjoyed him! <3


Oh my god, why are the good ones so short? I need so much more. I abandoned my work and played all 4 endings. This was so perfect, from the amount of text to the art. The story had me reading every word, no skipping. I don't think I've kicked my feet and blushed this much in a long time. 


ahhh!! thank you so much for your comment (and sorry about your work), it was a joy to make and a joy to give you all the blushes!! 


Is there a way we can support more games like this being created? I looked around for ways to tip, etc but didn't see it. 
I'd subscribe to a patreon in a heartbeat 


Hi! Thank you so much for your interest, I have a ko-fi but currently no patreon! Anything does go toward more development though <3

Is there a walkthrough for this game or is it easy enough to get good endings with out ?

hi!! There's a walkthrough in the dev logs!! 

thanks so much!


I adore this game so much i made an account just to leave this comment, its such a wholesome and cute game and i adore the story. On my first playthrough each i got Kujo's good ending and Aramis' "bad" ending.
Anyway im on my way to replay this now because it was so much fun!

Ahhh thank you so much, such an honour, thank you!
In hindsight, I regret making the endings like that but I hope you do get the good endings bcs I think they're the best <3!


No android for thisss??T-T

This game was just made in the jam time by a temporary team, so there are currently no plans to port it at present!

I do believe there are unofficial android ports out there, but I cannot verify that they work, or that they are safe/free of malware or malicious intent. Exercise caution and your own best judgment :)


aramis my beloved.......


Honestly... I was expecting more from the story after reading the list of warnings :/
"BDSM/D&S/Power Dynamics" ?? I was looking forward for it but the warning wasn't justified.
Parental neglect? Parental control? Where was it in the story??

Most of the warnings were far-fetched


Well, in this day/age, it’s better safe than sorry. Otherwise, you’re hounded/ridiculed for not having enough warnings. Also, there is some mention of each of those things, depending on the choices you make.


I do mention in the content warning that they are largely just mentions/hints rather than key plot points or such.

For some people, this could be a very unpleasant surprise or could turn them off the game, and I'd very much like to ensure they can enjoy the content according to their wishes.

Thank you for understanding! :)


I know this is a super late response but, as of now I only played Aramis' route and the reference to BDSM //spoiler// is in reference to the collar. the collar the MC wears is a ring of o, well I guess in this instance it's a ring of heart haha but anywho, it's like an "if you know you know" thing amongst people in BDSM/kink spaces to let others know they are submissive, which is why the reference to d/s dynamics pops up when Aramis is like "I thought I was supposed to be the pet" and the MC is happy because the way Aramis spoke fed into the role they had in mind that they were hoping Aramis would take (that being a dominant role). it's not super obvious if you're not informed but again it's one of those iykyk references, thus it being a reference and not outwardly shouting it in your face. and in response to those other things, again, it's hinted at in the story, not outwardly said per se. it's there if you pay attention (not that I'm trying to imply you weren't but just saying). I don't think the warnings are far-fetched at all, just the creator trying to cover their bases seeing as even the smallest hint/mention of certain themes can be triggering depending on the audience, and I appreciate the creator for putting these in that warning, even if they're not full outright saying these things. it was a nice, short, and sweet game jam that handled situations in a realistic way. in real-life scenarios, people aren't going to outright talk about their parental neglect to someone they just met, so I appreciate it was only referenced.


as soon as the game made me choose one of them I started to panic so bad fvbdjn


I recently started this game, however when I was looking at this page, it was VERY hard to read the info about the characters. What does it say? Is there a way to update it?

I apologize for the very late response! I'm uncertain if it's still needed, but I just wanted to say thank you for bringing this to my attention.

 I have now included a link to theAlt Text version in the page to hopefully make it more accessible! :)

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

kujo has my heart <3 I loved playing the game so i made this just because why not but i also wanted to do some edit testing so its not the best but yeah -^-

oh my god, i feel absolutely blessed, love the edit and thank you so much <3



very blessed to head you enjoyed it so much, thank you for your comment, you're gonna make me cry ;__; <3

(1 edit) (+3)

I have a question, were you spying on me? seriously?  Ig i'm just the target audience. This game is awesome, I really enjoyed Aramis, tho extending the ending a bit would improve the game


We just share a brain... Do you say extend the ending because you want more smut ;)?

Glad you enjoyed it though :)!!

Hi, how do I start the game? When I try to start it and click run, it won't open

Hi! Please check to make sure it isn't being blocked by your anti-virus! I believe this is quite common with games from indie devs, as they aren't recognised and therefore set off alarms with the anti-malware. If it's not your anti-virus, check back in and I'll see what I can do to help! :)

Hi again, I don't have any anti-virus on my laptop and even after restarting it the game still won't open

are you on mac or windows?

one solution is to try using the itch app, which basically works like steam but for itch games. it might be easier to launch the game this way 😊

I use windows 7. I'll try using itch app.


(Light spoilers ahead) I just ended Aramis's route and I have to say, I am astonished. At first, I got the "friends" ending and my heart broke over their conversation. I found that I made one wrong choice (the second one) and it led to Riley saying they were having second thoughts about all this... their exchange really affected me. I was so very sad. But my second play through led to a lovely ending and, even if the intimate moment they shared was too short to my tastes, I really enjoyed it. How open they were with each other and how willing both of them were to make everything work out. I am so glad I gave your game a try. It was an experience I enjoyed for the most part. So thank you kindly for that. :)


For what it's worth, I do regret making the endings "all or nothing" so to speak. Being a jam game, there's a lot of things I'd do differently with more time, (like extending that intimate scene for sure, hehe)

Openness was definitely something wanted for the MC and Aramis so I'm so glad that came across. So happy you enjoyed it, thank you for the comment <3

This looks dope! too bad there's no android version :(((

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+9)

but what if both (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)


Hello, would you like to have this game translated to German? If you check our bio on itch you can get further information. If this game got so many downloads at this point, it will probably be very popular for German players, too!

Add Hata#7192 for further negotiations on Discord!


I loved this so much! The writing, art, voice acting are all so well done and immersive that I became so invested in both of the routes. I usually prefer one LI over the other but here I really enjoyed both routes! It's rare to come across such a well done visual novel so thank you so, so much for making this and releasing it <3 I'm so excited for any future projects !!

Thank you so much for your sweet words! Aramis and Kujo are definitely both gorgeous in their own ways, so I'm glad to hear you loved them both <3

Thank you so much again! <3


I was amazed by how much I enjoyed Aramis's route.  I was just sitting and smiling though much of his route and actually got butterflies with some of his teasing, which very very rarely happens (and I read a lot of romance and look for it in games).  I liked how the MC was cautious but did not act afraid of her sexuality (which seems to be a frustrating theme in many otome games I have tried).  I loved how the writing showed sensuality in a way that I really enjoyed, through flirting and affectionate touches.   I think Aramis is joining the short list of my fictional boyfriends :-) 


I absolutely and utterly adored this game, so much so that I couldn't help but complete the whole thing in one sitting! The soundtrack, the writing, the voice acting- the whole game is such a masterpiece. The characters feel so real, so natural. 

Even the slightest things- Kujo's short windows into his softness, Aramis's vulnerability, their protectiveness, all of it contributes to the fluttery feeling that playing this gives me.  Not a single scene seemed forced or poorly written, I enjoyed every single second that I played!

I can't wait to see what you guys do in the future! I'm certain anything that comes from this team will be amazing, just like this game. Great work!

So blessed to hear you enjoyed the game so much! 

Thank you for connecting with our boys and for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment ❤️

Feel free to follow on twitter if you aren't already. Some of the team is back together to create a game for Winter Jam! 

(4 edits) (+3)(-1)

AHHH I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME!!!!! YOU GUYS DID NOT MISSSSSS!!!!!!! You guys have that "It' factor to make some really great games and stories; I hope your team plans to make more in the future!!!! I enjoyed every second of it and the voice acting really tied it together nicely. They both did incredible and somehow fit so perfectly! I was so flustered with those flirty lines from Aramis's VA lmfao I was screaming the whole time!! Really loved the pacing and as others mentioned, how you showed healthy relationship values/respect/consent through your writing.

And for character development, omgggg I loved them all! The main character's thirstiness was so relatable 😂 lmfao but yeah I really loved the depth to all the characters. Characters are one of my favorite things to like go on a tangent about and psychoanalyze, especially the darker sides of people, so I just won't 😂 But just know I loved them all! and you guys did amazing creating them! SO appreciative that you guys created characters with so much realistic depth to them and complexity that often kind of gets not explored so well in otomes (or if it is, it'll be kind of archetypal characters with the typical sorts of personalities and struggles. I like how these characters actual felt REAL with their own, specific problems and not just problems that an author made up for the sake of making up, ya know? Doesn't feel forced in.) Here I go with my tangent lmfao lemme stop!

Goshhhh I really really hope you guys have more things planned, I have major respect for writers like yourselves with the talent you have to not only make an interesting story that I can't stop obsessively reading, but also a story that's just done SO well in terms of form and skill. So kudos to the writers and editors for putting a concise narrative together! Major respect for the artists as well as I really enjoyed the character art and the user interface's unique aesthetic. For the music, I thought the music was super cute and fit the theme of the game perfectly. Wasn't distracting and perfectly complementary for the game. Last but not least, shutout to the coders as well for making this all possible and their efforts! You guys are all amazing!

Sorry for the gushing and long review ._. I will be greedily hoping that and waiting for you guys to post more work in the future. 😬😬


Despite your compliments on the writing, I don't have the words to adequately respond to this comment in the way you probably deserve, but just know this made me cry.

I have constant feelings of self-doubt regarding my VN work and contributions, but this post... I think I need to print it off and keep it close by me.

I'm incredibly lucky to have found such talented people to work on this game with me, as each and every one of them did a stellar job in their contributions (and also putting up with me!) Very blessed to have them, as for all the reasons you pointed out!

Your psycho analysis is definitely welcome though 😉 

As for future games, if all goes to plan, I will be back for Winter VN Jam with an ice skatinf themed otome! Hopefully I can earn your praise with that too <3

Thank you so much for everything you have written ❤️

(1 edit) (+2)

Omg now you're gonna make me cry ;_; Okay sorry in advance, but....I'm about to leave another wall of text because I have to speak my mind! It's REALLY long so be prepared >.<

As a fellow person in the arts, (video editing/ography,) and in a world where art is not always appreciated at that, I completely get the self-doubt and relate too much. I wish I could remove the doubts from your mind and you can view your own work like others view it! I know it's not as simple as someone telling you your writing is amazing for you to believe it but >.< Damnit it's true lol!!! I'm losing my mind haha it's always the hella talented artists being insecure!! You should be feeling arrogant instead. 😂 All I can do is tell you that I'm completely gushing over your work and I was shook that you weren't some major development team with a bunch of games already released like the Japanese otome studios do. And okay, I just peeped that you wrote for DUFE and OMGGG >.< That was my fave game from that jam so like?! And I also played and loved Snow Angel and Far Shore too, didn't know you were like the main writer for that studio so I'm even further amazed! You managed to give so much depth to those characters for such short games, again I see the complexity in the characters that seems to be a unique skill of yours?! The nuances and thought you put in here is not lost on me! I'm sure you have a lot of nuances and thoughts and hard work and hourrrrrss that you put in that the readers may not consciously observe due to most people not being literary analysts, but the enjoyment people experience reading your work speaks for it being noticed subconsciously! The effort you put in and subtextual information really does not go unnoticed and makes for a wonderful reading experience. I guess to wrap up about all that, all of these stories made me emotional and really feel immersed in the world that was created. The type of immersion where you can forget all your problems and escape away; snuggle up on a lazy evening and experience a whole emotional experience removed from reality. Really be there with the characters, you know? My only issue was wanting more of all of these stores and being disappointed when they were over LOL. That whole "what am I supposed to do with my life now?" feeling you get after reading a good story, and the emptiness, the void starts creeping in. 😂😂

To be totally honest with you, I'm very picky when it comes to stories. I only praise and read ones I enjoy. I'm 24 and between VNs, books, games, and fanfictions, I've been reading/playing since I was a single digit year old kid. I've gone through hundreds and I'm just very picky on what I consume. I drop stories that I can't really get immsersed in. And definitely don't sit for literal hours writing these overly-long walls of text unless I did enjoy it haha. For every few games or stories I enjoyed and react positively to, there's tons more where I was just like meh and said nothing about. Or just kinda casually enjoyed but wouldn't write home about or anything. I'm not anyone important to be some measurement of standard but for what it's worth, you have a picky reader that enjoys your work so just know that I would not bother if I did not value your work!

Lol but, I know it sounds like I'm just sucking up at this point but it's honestly my sincere feelings and I find it important to share them. A lot of times people will enjoy a game or story but not comment and so I wanted to take the time to let you know that your work is valuable. All it takes is one intrusive thought of self doubt or one critical/negative comment to ruin your confidence when it comes to being vulnerable with your art, even if you have hundreds of positive comments. I want to at least share my positive thought because even if someone else or your own mind critiques you, I want you to know that there are still tons of people, myself included, who love your work and believe that what you create is valuable! Your work is valuable and YOU are valuable.

Anyways, I think I've taken enough of your time tonight ._. I kinda just realized how much I typed. I'm sooo sorry omg, I do have a habit of typing entirely too much and tell myself every time that I will type less...clearly to no avail. 😂 But I like to communicate; kindaa in theme to your story with Aramis but I don't ever like to leave your room for doubt or guessing. If something makes me feel positive, I want that person to know. It breaks my heart that someone so talented feels constant self doubt, but...alas it's the curse of  an artist. You are incredibly brave and powerful for continuing to create and vulnerably put your work out there despite the self doubt. I know it can be disheartening and frustrating sometimes, but don't forget that this isn't just work but is something that brings you joy too! Whenever you feel lost or unsure, just go back to that happy place with writing, even if it is taking a break and working on some random fanfic writing prompt on Tumblr or something lol. Or engage in other ways that  engage your creativity. I literally just noticed that that's also reletable to Aramis's route lol!

You're clearly a pro so I'm sure you have your vices without me telling you. Just know that I am inspired and proud of you and for putting your work out there! And actually finishing something that one starts is difficult, so you are a badass! You don't have to say anything in particular to my raving review here LOL, might be overwhelming asf to read but you definitely do not owe me some grand response back. I am just happy if it brings you any amount of pride and validation because you definitely SHOULD feel that!

Anyways, that's all! (Sorrryyyy againnn omfg ^^") SUPER EXCITED to hear the news about your future project!!! I already know it'll be fantastic, like no pressure but you've already earned my trust in your writing so 😂 Will definitely be looking out!




Hi! I can't seem to get the good ending with Aramis! Could you by any chance tell me what order of choices I have to make? Feel free to format it like "top>bottom>top" or something like that so there's no spoilers, thanks!


Hi there!

top > bottom > top is... actually right lmao :) that should get you the good end!
sorry for making it so you have to get all the right choices, in hindsight that wasn't the best decision, ahhh

hope that helps and you enjoy the good end!! <3

Oh! Thanks, I just tried to come up with a random example lol! If I were to give my 2 cents on it, I think that requiring all the correct choices isn't an issue since there's only 3, the problem is there seems to be a lack feedback on if you did the right choice or not, a choice adds more lines but it still leads to the same line eventually which advances the scene (like how in the choice after the park date choosing the top one simply skips to him teasing).

It worked, thanks again for the answer!

(2 edits) (+5)

*Potential spoilers for Kujo's route!!!* ohmygod ! The first Kujo ending i got left me feeling sickkk! Like it felt already too late when I finally realized what was happening. I guess I deserved it after changing choices I made when they didn't at first seem like the right one...(which I think because of that it was so well/realistically done!). It was fascinating to watch play out, but admittedly left me feeling really weird inside before I finally understood. So interesting! I haven't got Kudos good ending yet, I had to run on here to discuss this particular ending!


aaaaah your reaction ;__;!! 

(but pls go play the good end, heal your heart, pls pls pls!!!)

lol, I surely did! and my heart most definitely healed <3 great job and great game! 


i love game so cute


i loved the cute slow burn writing from kujos route I cant wait to play the rest this was so amazing so far!


i played kujo route and it was so wholesome honestly...

when THEE scene came up and it skipped to morning i was so shocked that there wasnt any art for it..still amazing nevertheless.

hi, i'm trying  playing on Mac and I can't because it gives me an error and says it's not verified by the creator. Is there any way you or someone else could help me thank you :)

Hi there! I think this is a security setting on your mac to protect from malware and other files from unreputable sources. I believe this can be an issue for many games downloaded from Itch as they are not from more traditional or well-known publishers/developers. 

I am sadly not a mac user but apparently, you can CTRL + CLICK, then open it via finder this way to override this mechanism. Alternatively, you could download the Itch desktop app, which handles all the files automatically and might avoid this issue. 

Hope this helps! 


love this vn so much omg <3

Thank you! <3

(1 edit) (+3)

Hey! This game is pretty awesome. I really like the characters. 

The Kujo ending I got really messed me up inside, I think it was a perfect depiction of how dangerous love becomes when a person thinks its their duty to 'protect and shield' their partner whilst not respecting their independence. It was terrifying to see the main character become so manipulative. (also daymn guess my decisions lead to this mess LOL)

On that note, Aramis' route shot me in the HEART damn it got me in the mega feels. Somehow I got his good ending, but i just love how him and the protagonist had a heart to heart and ended up on the same page! That kind of romantic growth is just a pleasure to see. Thank god i got a happy end LMAO

The protagonist is a great character. I like their different dimensions from flirty to self-depreciating to confident and even really vulnerable/ open sometimes.

Thanks for the awesome free game, it was way more emotional and heart rendering than I originally anticipated it to be. Excellent job!!!


Hello! I played both routes a few days ago and thoroughly enjoyed myself; I love both LIs so much! <3

However, I don't know if it's just me but for some reason whenever I tried to start a new game after today's update (on a different pc from the one I used when I first played so it's a completely new install), after I submit my MC's biodata the game skips to a particular scene in the middle of Kujo's route ("Some days passed, then before I knew it, it had been weeks.") instead of continuing the opening scene. I've tried starting again several times, uninstalling and reinstalling, and it keeps happening so I'm not sure what's going on. @_@ Any help would be appreciated!

I had the same problem ^ any fix?

Wow y'all, I really just fricked this update :') This should be fixed if you re-download the latest files. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience ;__; <3


Is this game going to be available to download anywhere? Or is it just a bug that I can't see the download button ahaha

Sadly I'm kinda dumb and I forgot to show the new files when updating... oops. This should be fixed now so you can download the latest version!


Thank you! Hyped!


I ADOOORED Aramis (big shoutout to his VA as well)! In all though, you guys did so well in creating something so sweet, especially when it delved into healthy communication and consent. It was all super lovely <3


Thank you! Cory definitely did an amazing job as him. 
Thank you for your kind words, the healthy communication was definitely something that we wanted to achieve so I'm glad to hear it worked out! 


Sooo where can I find an Aramis in real life, asking for a friend?!

If you find him, can you let us know? 
Thanks for enjoying him <3 


This was very sweet! I'm not sure which of the 2 is my favorite - I loved Kujo and Aramis both equally. Although I did get Kujo's good end blindly, while when I played Aramis, I got his bad end while playing blindly (so I clearly know how to navigate Kujo more authentically lol). Both of them hit different needs and I love how Riley acts with both of them. Part of me secretly wants a Poly/OT3 route with Kujo and Aramis, but honestly, neither one of them seems like the sharing type. 😉

Very nicely done. Also the VA's for both are *chef's kiss*. But I have to say, some of Aramis's lines made me BLUSH. WOOF. Congrats y'all (and you can share this comment to your VA team!)


Thank you so much for your kind words!!

I think I make really obtuse choices, whereas Jane's with Kujo's actually make sense, hah! 

If neither seems like sharing, doesn't that just make it all the more fun? ;) 

thank you again <3


This was such a great game !! I adored Kujo and Aramis, and both of their storylines were really lovely and interesting. I had a sweet time playing it, so thank you :) 


Cute story, at least as far as I read.  I got to where I had to choose and with both of them standing there, I realized IRL I just wouldnt be able to make that kind of choice.  It would be too unkind.  So I simply closed the game, and came here to say thanks for the chance to read it.  Loved the art work, it was a little more realistic(?) than Im used to but it was also very comfortable.

(1 edit) (+5)

Man, I love this. This was so much fun. Such diverse duo, for sure. It was kind of hard to pick, too. And then going through them both, it also ended up being a bit difficult to pick a favourite, ha. But this was so well-done. The pacing is great, the music is wonderful, the characters are just awesome (blushing and making me blush, A+). Both of the LIs have their strongpoints, and are both super relatable. The MC is super incredibly relatable. She’s also super fun and fiesty, which is very refreshing. I loved it. Thank you for all your hard work!

I don’t think you could give us a better compliment than “hey, both LIs are great, I can’t decide who I like better *and* I loved the MC, too”! Thank you so, so much <3


No, thank you! I’m really happy for us, everybody that gets to play your game! Thank you :)

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