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Gorgeous man and a Gorgeous game! <3333 I enjoyed streaming it so much and I can't thank you enough for being so sweet and making a stream-safe version after I asked about it! The art is beautiful, and I loved the characterization of the MC and Auryn... their banter was legendary. And their relationship development was so satisfying and cute! Along with the healthy and non-sexual depictions of BDSM... I could go on for hours! Thanks again! I will definitely be replaying this game over and over-

Thank you so much for your kind words and for streaming the game! I'm sorry I didn't make the stream, but I'm looking forward to catching the VOD! <3


i did not expect that holy

Hope you enjoyed! <3


I loved the MC and her banter with auryn, it was so satisfying reading this and watching them trust each other and fall in love!!!!

ahh thank you for playing and for your kind words!! <3


Gorgeous game!! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this with us! 

thank you so much for playing!! 


This was wonderful and very well done! As another commenter said, I loved the MC's personality and the banter between she and Auryn was delightful!


Definitely added to wishlist!! Lovely style, I really like the design and plot


Ahh thank you, hope you enjoy it when you do!!



As soon as I saw your name on this game, I bought it. And I loved it!!

The banter is glorious, as is the MC. I love how the MC has a spine and isn't your typical VN brainless UwU idiot. She was the perfect match for Auryn, who is incredible! And they were so hot together! Thank you for making this game. It left me with a big smile. I can't wait to see more from you! 


Ahhh thank you for your support! I actually don't have a spine and am also a brainless uwu but it is really fun to just write some bitchy back and forth lmao. Thanks again for playing and enjoying!! <3