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I don’t know why/how I thought I would get through this unscathed. Shame on me, haha. This was wonderful. This was far too relatable, moreso than I’d like to admit. I wish AUs existed and we got such second chances, though. But really - this was great. James’ style, behaviour, that voice, his facial expressions, it was all so perfect! Beyond that, I loved how this flowed, paced, the interactions with the MC, etc. And while it did some telling vs showing, it was in a completely necessary, complimentary, fulfilling way. And that’s really tough to do, imo. So, kudos there, as well. The style, art, UI, interface - it was all perfectly fitting and complimentary of each other. ​Anyway, I loved it all. I really and truly did.

❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much!

(I hurt my own feelings writing it, tbh ;__;) 

I feel like “no pain, no gain” is even more apt, then. Thank you. So much.


loved the game! question, is the name a refrence to the song momento mori from fish in a birdcage?


Just stepping in - Memento Mori is Latin - it means some variation of “remember to die”, “remember you must die”, or “remember (you have) to die”, etc.

The Game’s Intro/Info says “memento mori, memento amore”, which is akin to “remember to die, remember to love”, I assume. There is also a famous saying of Nietzsche’s, “memento mori, amor fati”, meaning something to the effect of “remember to die, love your fate”.


danggg that hurted and hit a little bit too close to home. great job!!

100/10  this made me cry and smile and cry again. really loved it

*Wait are those tears in my eyes?*

offering up a tissue for you!!

AHH!! I loved it!!! It was poetic and lovely <333

aahh I'm honoured by this comment, thank you for playing <3 

Woahh.. that was amazing! It really does hit the spot! Really well done<3

Ahhh thank you!! <3



Thanks for playing!


This VN was absolutely beautiful... The words were poetic and I felt grief for a loss I never experienced yet felt comforted by the man besides me in that moment. I absolutely loved every minute of it! <3


aahhh i feel that sense of grief so often from media i love, so to inspire that in someone else makes me feel very privileged, thank you so much for playing and for your words <3


you have such a way with building an entire life and world around a small conversational context without really getting the reader lost and I think that's awesome, felt that when i read burning red and same thing here. this was a really nice read <3


SKAI my heart!! <3 thank you so much for playing and enjoying!! <3


Loved it :D You caught the vibe you were going for perfectly. 


aww thank you so much 🥲 glad it hit the spot! <3


Feels like that super crisp, foggy morning quiet. Bittersweet, a little sad, full of hope. Gorgeous ❤️


Hoped to capture that early-hours deep asf conversation vibes, glad it came across ❤️


this was a very bittersweet experience. i enjoyed it very much.


thank you for playing and leaving a comment <3