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I like their dynamic. 


Really enjoyed this! Very sweet feel-good romance. Even without CGs, the 18+ scenes were !!! and there's so little bi MM content in VNs so it's always great to see more.


Thank you so much for playing and enjoying <3 (and yes more bi content!!)

(1 edit) (+3)

lol people are so mad about bi content that they're even downvoting comments about it here, haters get a real hobby!


THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT. DELICIOUS. INTRIGUING. AND THAT LAST SCENE TOOK ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! killing it as always. thank you for feeding us 🤲


AAAAhh thank you for playing!!! ❤️


Didn't even need to HESITATE downloading and playing this through. Oh my god??? This was TASTY!!!


aaaah thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️


My GOSH, who let you into my thoughts? >.>  This is... woah.  Like, amazingly woah.  If anyone out there is reading this comment... just read the novel instead my GOLLY. *fans self* >.>


what a lovely comment, thank you for playing ❤️


Thank YOU for making this gem.~